The lightening speed developments in science technology have revolutionised the industrial sector drastically. By industrial development we not only include various products and equipments but also various services which are provided for n number of purposes. While all the work is done by machines, what distinguishes one brand from the other is the amount of time involved in your transactions with them. The lesser, the better. Communication with customers hence becomes a crucial part of the market game. Heedless to say the quality of the platform on which these conversations are done is important.
Although the traditional phone system had come as a milestone in the field of communication technology and eventually in the industrial sector, it has it’s own setbacks. Communication through traditional phone systems can be a costly affair increasing chunks on your expenditure. Also the quality that traditional phone systems provide is often of a lower grade and very often has a lot of disturbances contributed due to various reasons.
To get over this setback the VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol comes like the knight
in shining armour. VoIP services allow voice communication over the internet. The VoIP converts analog signals to digital signals which are then transmitted over the internet. Hence you can notice that the conversion takes place at a different server altogether which is the VoIP service provider.
A VoIP service provider turns the analog signal to digital data which is then transmitted over the internet. There are three different methods of common use for VoIP systems
ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) : In this method a standard phone is connected to the internet. It takes the analog system from the traditional phone system and converts it into digital signals and is now ready for transmission over the internet.
IP phones (Internet Protocol Phones):IP phones are connected to the router and they have all the necessary software for VoIP calls.
Computer to Computer:Free VoIP software has to be downloaded from the internet by both the parties among whom the connection has to be made and then you can enjoy free calls and other services.
Our PBX –
There are a number of VoIP service providers in India but the best of them is none other than OurPBX. Everywhere and everytime you may stay connected because no more will you have to rely on traditional phone systems. OurPBX is a VoIP service provider across the world which is highly regarded and popularly used. OurPBX provides high definition services which are really comfortable and certainly inexpensive. OurPBX sets up a hosted IP PBX according to the requirement of your organisation and routes the communication over the internet to the OurPBX hosted server. It allows you to make VoIP calls to any
part of the world. Connecting the IP phones to high speed internet is the only requirement and with the help of OurPBX you are ready to experience the best and most convenient communication platform ever.
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